Wyckoff, NJ – October 26, 2021 - For the month of October, 545 Wyckoff Torpedoes players donned bright pink and white striped jerseys on game day in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month. “In the past, the players wore pink socks in October and they loved it, so this year we decided to make an even bigger statement of support and add a special pink jersey,” explained Brian Weis, president of the Torpedoes Soccer Club.
“The kids really love the jerseys and they are proud to wear them. It’s important that the players understand we are part of a community and this is a great way to show support and give back,” added Alison Ismael, a Torpedoes Board Member.
For each jersey sold, the club donated $5 to Susan G. Komen, for a total donation of $2,725. “We are thankful for the generous donation from the Torpedoes Soccer Club, and grateful for their help in spreading awareness of breast cancer all month long by wearing pink and white uniforms,” explained Chelsea Beecher, Development Director Susan G. Komen, New Jersey & Pennsylvania.
Susan G. Komen is a non-profit breast cancer organization that focuses on patient navigation and advocacy, provides resources for breast cancer patients, and funds research. More information: komen.org. The Wyckoff Torpedoes Soccer Club is also a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and teaching the game of soccer to young athletes from pre-kindergarten through high school, while instilling the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork in an athlete’s life. wyckofftorpedoessc.com
