(click on the table of contents to read the full bylaws for each section)
The name of the corporation shall be "Wyckoff Torpedoes Soccer Club, Inc.," a not-for-profit corporation hereinafter referred to as "TSC" or the “Club.” The Club shall be commonly known, and may be officially listed for competitive purposes, as the "Torpedoes Soccer Club."
The official address of the TSC will be:
Torpedoes Soccer Club, P.O. Box 252, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are:
To promote participation in the sport of soccer through the organization, operation and maintenance of a competitive soccer program based in the Township of Wyckoff.
To promote and instill good sportsmanship and fellowship among all players, coaches and parents through the principles of honesty, discipline and fair play.
To educate the players, parents and general public with respect to the game of soccer and the value of the sport to them.
The seasonal year of the TSC shall begin on August 1st and end on July 31st of the following calendar year.
The TSC is a not-for-profit corporation and is so incorporated under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3).
The TSC is not organized for pecuniary profit or financial gain, and no part of its assets, income or profits shall be distributable to or inure to the benefit of its members, trustees, or officers.
The officers and trustees of the Club shall not be individually liable for the Club's debts or other liabilities and the private property of such individuals shall be exempt from any corporate debts or liabilities.
The TSC, its officers and members will be affiliated with and governed by these bylaws and by the rules and regulations of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). The TSC will also be affiliated with organizations and leagues designated by the Board of Trustees.
All moneys paid as player dues or assessments or as team dues or assessments or raised by any fund raising activity under the name of TSC or any of its member teams, is the property of TSC and cannot be dispersed in any manner inconsistent with these bylaws.
The Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as "the Board," shall decide on any questions regarding ownership or disbursement of TSC moneys.
The Treasurer shall open and maintain such checking and/or savings and/or investment accounts in the name of TSC at a bank or other accredited financial institution as may be approved by the Board.
The Treasurer shall be designated as the primary agent of TSC on all Club accounts.
The President shall be designated as the secondary agent on all Club accounts.
The Treasurer shall track all Club accounts on a monthly basis and shall report the status of the same at each Board meeting.
The Treasurer shall report and make available at the annual meeting a review of prior year receipts and disbursements.
Fund raising projects or events or other activities sponsored by TSC must be approved by the Board. TSC does not permit individual team sponsors.
Proposals for TSC fund raising activities must be presented to the Board in writing. Proposals shall be submitted no later than two (2) months prior to the event or commencement of the activity.
The membership of the Torpedoes Soccer Club consists of players and parents of players. Teams are comprised of boys or girls born in a single calendar year, unless, in extraordinary circumstances, the Board decides otherwise. All players must hold a player pass for their appropriate age group, except those enrolled in a Torpedoes Soccer Club clinic program. All Torpedoes players must be registered to the Club with a primary player pass. Secondary player passes are not permitted in the Torpedoes Soccer Club. Torpedoes players may only be registered with (or hold a player pass to) another club with the approval of the Board. All coaches must hold a current coaches pass.
It is the obligation of each member of the TSC to adhere to the bylaws and rules of this organization and to those of affiliated organizations in all matters pertaining to local, district, interdistrict, regional, national and international competition or other activities carried out by or under the name of the organization. Such obligation is a condition of membership.
The Board may suspend any member with or without notice if, in the sole discretion of the Board, the best interests of the Club and its members warrant such action. Members may be expelled from the TSC for reasonable cause by the Board, after allowing a reasonable opportunity to oppose such action. For purposes of this section, reasonable cause shall include, but not be limited to, failure to pay Club or team fees, disciplinary reasons, violations of these bylaws and any other reasons deemed by the Board, in its discretion, to be in the best interests of the Club and its members.
A suspended member is still a member, that is, suspension does not terminate but rather deprives the member of the exercise of membership privileges until the suspension is deemed by the Board to be concluded or until the member is expelled.
An expelled member is no longer a member of the organization and retains no privileges of membership. Expelled members may not reapply for membership for a period of one calendar year from the date of expulsion. Expelled members must be approved by the Board to become members once again.
No individual or team member representing the TSC in any capacity shall use or make available for use any data resulting from player or team registration forms without the approval of the Board.
No individual or team member representing the TSC in any capacity shall use in any way the name TSC, information about TSC, or TSC logos or insignias without approval of the Board.
The TSC is divided into distinct, age-group divisions, each with its own rules and regulations as set forth herein and, from time to time, by the Board.
Tryouts are held each year in the spring, except that tryouts for high school aged players may be held at another time. If there are openings on a team after tryouts for whatever reason, additional players may be added without additional tryouts only with the approval of the Board. The Board shall approve all team rosters, considering the recommendations of the coach(es) conducting tryouts.
All participants must try out and play for their age-appropriate team. No playing up is allowed except if the Board determines that extraordinary circumstances exist to relax this rule (such as a team is only viable if a player who happens to be younger is added to the roster). U7 teams may only register for league play with the permission of the Board.
No Division 5 or 6 teams (U7, U8, U9, and U10) may contain more than four (4) players who are not residents of the Township of Wyckoff without specific approval of the Board. For Division 3 and 4 teams (U11, U12, U13, and U14), there is no residency requirement for first (Red) teams. Second (White) and third (Black), or other teams may contain no more than five (5) players who are not residents of the Township of Wyckoff without specific approval of the Board. There are no residency requirements for Division 1 and 2 teams (U15, U16, U17, U18, and U19), unless the Board decides otherwise.
Any player registered to a team is bound to that team for the entire year unless a transfer is requested of and granted by the Board. No player may obtain a release from a Torpedoes team, play for another team and return to a Torpedoes team within the same seasonal year.
Torpedoes Soccer Club Player Code of Conduct.
Treats opponents, teammates, coaches and referees with respect.
Plays hard but plays within the rules of the game of soccer.
Demonstrates self-control.
Respects the officials and accepts their decisions without gesture or argument.
Wins without boasting; loses without excuses and never quits.
Abides by team and Club rules and policies including arriving at practices and games timely.
Remembers that it is a privilege to represent the Torpedoes Soccer Club.
Advises the coach if he or she suffers any type of injury.
Each player shall be responsible for payment of Club dues for each year in which he or she participates. Dues assist in the payment of costs of team registration, training, field maintenance, and Club operating expenses. Dues do not cover team or individual travel expenses, uniforms, tournament fees, trainer fees, or any other additional expenses brought about by team or individual participation in any outside soccer related events. No player shall be permitted to participate in any Club matches until full payment of dues is received. The Board has the right to grant partial or full scholarships for any player who petitions the Club and needs financial aid. For families having three (3) or more players participating in the TSC, annual dues will be as follows:
The two (2) youngest children will each be required to pay the full annual dues, and
Each additional child will pay dues at a discounted rate as determined by the Board prior to each year.
Each player, his/her parents, and coach shall represent the Club appropriately by demonstrating good sportsmanship, team spirit, self-discipline and respect for others.
Each player is expected to attend all games and practice sessions and to work on skill development outside of regular team practice sessions. Players are encouraged to attend off-season soccer camps.
Torpedoes Soccer Club Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct:
Treats players, coaches, referees and other parents and spectators with respect.
Views games from areas directed by coaches and/or referees.
Does not use offensive language or display threatening or unruly behavior.
Does not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages or drugs during a game or practice when players are present.
Parents shall immediately inform coaches about medical conditions that affect the player.
Parents shall endeavor to have their children abide by the Player Regulations set forth in Section 7.00.
Torpedoes Soccer Club Coaches Code of Conduct.
Treats own players, parents, opponents and referees with respect.
Teaches and inspires soccer players to love the game and instills the desire to compete fairly.
Is the type of person he/she wants the players to be.
Sets high standards of performance and conduct and maintains control and discipline of the team at all times.
Respects the judgment and interpretation of the rules by the officials.
Realizes that he/she is a teacher/coach and therefore understands the game and proper soccer behavior at all times.
Head coaches, assistant coaches, managers, trainers and team-parent representatives must be over twenty-one (21) years of age unless approved by the Board.
All TSC head coaches, assistant coaches, and trainers must be approved by the Board. All TSC coaches are evaluated by the Board and Director of Coaching periodically and at the end of each season.
The Board shall have exclusive discretion to appoint coaches to teams prior to the commencement of a new fall season and may, in its sole discretion, decide not to reappoint a coach previously carded to a team.
Any volunteer TSC head coach or assistant coach may be removed during a season from his/her position for reasonable cause by the Board after allowing a reasonable opportunity to oppose such action. Grounds for removal may include, but are not limited to, violation of the Torpedoes Soccer Club Coaches Code of Conduct, failure to abide by Club rules and regulations, and failure to attend coaches meetings. Paid coaches may be removed or terminated at the will of the Club and with or without prior notice.
The Board may suspend any coach with or without notice if, in the sole discretion of the Board, the best interests of the Club and its players warrant such action.
Any TSC head coach may add, remove or change an assistant coach for his or her team with the prior approval of the Board. Any replacement assistant coach must meet the TSC requirements for coaching eligibility as specified in these bylaws.
All coaches and trainers must hold a Club-approved coaching certificate or license and must comply with or complete such USSF, USYSA, U.S. Club Soccer and designated league of play certifications and other procedures as those bodies may require from time to time. All coaches are encouraged to attend additional clinics, courses, and seminars to improve their coaching skills.
Every Torpedoes coach will attempt to maintain, with a balance of training and education, an atmosphere that will provide all players the opportunity to excel in the sport of soccer within the spirit of fair play.
A team may not hold a practice or play a match unless a Board approved, carded coach is in attendance and assuming responsibility for coaching the team.
All Torpedoes teams will participate in the leagues of play designated by the Club. The leagues of play may be changed at any time by the Board. No team may participate in a different league or any additional leagues without prior written approval of the Board.
Any team wishing to play in a league flight other than their age- and gender-appropriate flight must first obtain permission from the Board.
No team attending a travel tournament will be permitted to bring guest players to the tournament without prior approval of the appropriate Division Commissioner. Any TSC coach wishing to take a TSC player from another team as a guest player must first obtain permission from the player’s coach before approaching the player.
While playing time in league games is at the discretion of the coach, all able-bodied players on every TSC team should receive playing time in every game at all travel tournaments.
The number of tournaments each individual team enters as well as the number of practice sessions each team holds is at the discretion of the coach, subject to the approval of the Board.
All TSC coaches are responsible for any fines incurred by their teams. All fines must be paid at the conclusion of each season. The TSC reserves the right to withhold payment of any monies due to any coach who or team that has fines outstanding.
In addition to all outstanding fines being paid, all TSC-required paperwork must be completed before any team is permitted to be registered.
All Division 3, 4, 5 & 6 coaches are restricted from any coaching involvement with travel soccer teams other than those of the TSC. There is no restriction on coaching Recreational teams.
All Division 1 & 2 coaches and trainers are restricted from any coaching or training involvement with other travel teams within the TSC designated league of play. There is no restriction on coaching Recreational or Select teams.
Each coach is expected to attend all tournaments, games and practice sessions, as well as coaches meetings.
Coaches shall report all player injuries to the Board.
TSC teams generally use a trainer and teams must receive prior approval from the Director of Coaching and the Board before using a particular trainer. No team may agree upon a fee with a trainer or coach without prior approval of the Board. Trainers are subject to the same regulations and requirements as coaches as set forth elsewhere in these bylaws. Trainers may be removed or terminated at the will of the Club and with or without prior notice.
The Board will designate official primary and secondary uniforms. Primary jerseys will be red or will contain red stripes. Secondary uniforms and shorts for primary and secondary uniforms will be white, black or red, or contain a mixture of those colors. Official uniforms are to be worn to all games and tournaments with the exception of summer tournaments. Individual teams may elect to wear T-shirts to summer tournaments.
Candidates for the TSC Board must be members in good standing, over twenty-one (21) years of age, and have attended at least two-thirds of the coaches meetings held during the seasonal year of the election. The Board shall review the candidates to ensure they meet these qualifications and others in these by laws before elections and shall disallow the candidacies of persons who do not meet the qualifications. Candidates for particular officer positions must meet the criteria set forth below.
All TSC Board members, as hereinafter set forth, shall be nominated at the June coaches meeting by a nominating committee appointed by the Club President and shall be elected by the members at the July coaches meeting by a vote of the teams. Each registered team is entitled to one vote. Nominations shall also be accepted from the floor at the June coaches meeting only.
Board Members shall serve a term of three (3) years commencing August 1 in the year of election and expiring on July 31 three (3) years following. The Board will operate with staggered terms such that no more than three (3) members will have scheduled term end dates in any one (1) year.
Board members may resign by submitting a written notice to the Board. Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board. Acceptance of the resignation by the Board shall not be necessary to make it effective.
Officers may be removed from his or her position for reasonable cause by a majority of the balance of the Board after allowing a reasonable opportunity to oppose such action. Any Board member missing three (3) consecutive meetings will have his/her membership reviewed at the next Board meeting for further action.
In the event that an officer other than the President resigns or is removed from office prior to the normal end of the current term of office, the Board shall appoint a qualified Club member who will serve for the time remaining in the current term.
In the event that the President resigns or is removed from office prior to the normal end of the current term, the Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President for the balance of the current term.
SECTION 10.06: MEMBERSHIPThe Board shall be comprised of seven (7) members, elected from the current Club membership. The President shall be chosen by the Board. The President shall appoint each of the other Board members to one of the following positions:
The duties of the Board will be detailed in Sections 10.08 through 10.14.
The President will be required to have at least four (4) years membership in the TSC including at least two (2) full years as a TSC coach and at least one (1) year of service on the Board. The duties and responsibilities of the President shall include the following:
To preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board and serve as Chair (the President shall vote only to break a tie).
To establish committees and to appoint committee chairs and appoint coordinators and other representatives as required to administer and manage the programs and business of this organization, subject to approval of the Board.
To serve as the liaison between the TSC and other organizations.
To serve as the general representative of the TSC in all matters.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the Board.
The Vice-President will be required to have at least four (4) years membership in the TSC including at least two (2) full years as a TSC coach and at least one (1) year of service on the Board. The duties and responsibilities of the Vice-President shall include the following:
To assist the President as necessary.
To exercise the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.
To oversee the running of the Torpedoes Soccer Club Team Sponsorship Program.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The Secretary will be required to have at least two (2) years membership in the TSC. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall include the following:
To record and publish minutes of all Club and Board meetings.
To give proper notice of all membership meetings and other organized events.
To attend to and be custodian of all office assets, correspondence and records of the organization.
To publish and distribute minutes, notices and other communication as requested.
To procure all insurance certificates needed for the TSC's use of area facilities.
To coordinate and procure the Club's coverage, including medical coverage insurance coverage and the processing of all claims.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The Treasurer will be required to have at least two (2) year membership in the TSC. The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include the following:
To prepare an annual budget and to present same to the Board for approval.
To keep a detailed account of income and expenses of TSC.
To submit appropriate financial statements at the coaches and Board meetings.
To cause the filing of all income tax returns and/or reports with appropriate state and federal agencies.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
With the approval of the Board, duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer may be delegated to others.
The Torpedoes Division 1 & 2 Division Commissioner will be required to have at least four (4) years membership in the TSC including at least two (2) full years as a TSC coach. The duties and responsibilities of this Division Commissioner shall include the following:
To oversee the selection, registration and operation of the Division 1 & 2 teams of the TSC.
To act as a liaison between the members of the Division 1 & 2 teams and the Board.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The Torpedoes Division 3 & 4 Division Commissioner will be required to have at least three (3) years membership in the TSC including at least one (1) full year as a TSC coach. The duties and responsibilities of this Division Commissioner shall include the following:
To oversee the selection, registration and operation of the Division 3 & 4 program of the TSC.
To act as a liaison between the members of the Division 3 & 4 teams and the Board.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The Torpedoes Division 5 & 6 Division Commissioner will be required to have at least three (3) years membership in the TSC including at least one (1) full year as a TSC coach. The duties and responsibilities of this Division Commissioner shall include the following:
To oversee the selection, registration and operation of the Division 5 & 6 of the TSC.
To act as a liaison between the members of the Division 5 & 6 teams and the Board.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall include but are not limited to the following:
To conduct all TSC business in accordance with the TSC certificate of incorporation, bylaws and all other rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Board from time to time.
To hear and pass judgment on all requests, protests and appeals brought forth by any member, officer or committee including any request seeking suspension of any Board member, coach, member or officer.
To issue and revise policies for the TSC.
To hire and supervise any staff, including the Director of Coaching.
To approve the head coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, and managers.
To have full power to deal with any situation not expressly provided for in the certificate of incorporation or these bylaws.
The presence of no less than a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary for the transaction of business or of any specified item of business.
If a quorum is present, the vote of a majority of the Board present at the time of the vote shall be the act of the Board.
Each member of the Board shall have one vote. Each member must be present at the meeting to vote — no proxies are allowed.
All actions of the Board shall be final.
The President of the TSC will serve as the chair of the Board.
The Torpedoes Board may approve capital expenditures as necessary to run the day-to-day operations not to exceed the amount of $50,000.00 per project. For expenditures greater than $50,000.00, the Board must formally propose the expenditure at the coaches meeting and have it approved by a simple majority of the registered teams represented at the following month's coaches meeting. Each registered team is entitled to one (1) vote.
Board members, to the extent not covered by existing insurance, shall be indemnified by TSC to the fullest extent permitted by the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act, as may be amended from time to time, for damages, including court costs, legal fees, and other pertinent expenses incurred in legal actions arising by reason of any acts in the performance or nonperformance of duties, in good faith, in the operation of TSC; provided, however that such acts are not illegal or otherwise improper.
The President may, but is not required to, appoint coordinators and other representatives subject to the approval of the board, including the following:
SECTION 12.01: FACILITIES COORDINATORThe Facilities Coordinator will be required to have at least one (1) year membership in the TSC. The duties and responsibilities of the Facilities Coordinator may include the following:
To represent the TSC in dealings with agencies on matters concerning facilities for use by the TSC including practice and game fields and gymnasiums.
To ensure that game fields are in proper game condition including field lining.
To schedule all indoor and outdoor practice times.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The Equipment Coordinator will be required to have at least one-year (1) membership in the Club. The duties and responsibilities of the Equipment Coordinator may include the following:
To represent the TSC in dealings with agencies on matters concerning equipment for use by the TSC.
To ensure that game fields are equipped with goals and nets.
To handle the procurement and distribution of all necessary TSC-supplied equipment including balls, medical kits and TSC patches.
To oversee the approval of all clothing and related supplies including, but not limited to, uniforms, bags and warm-ups.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
There are no previous membership requirements for the Fundraising Coordinator. The duties and responsibilities of the Fundraising Coordinator may include the following:
To create, plan, and advertise fund raising events.
To solicit and coordinate solicitation of Club sponsors.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
There are no previous membership requirements for the Northern Counties League Representative. The duties and responsibilities of the Northern Counties League Representative may include the following:
To represent the Club at all NCSA meetings and functions.
To complete all forms and paperwork required to have the Club represented in the NCSA.
To satisfy the responsibilities of a Club Representative as defined by the NCSA. including the scheduling of all league games.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
There are no previous membership requirements for the Registrar. The duties and responsibilities of the Registrar may include the following:
To coordinate and record the registration of all TSC members.
To maintain an adequate supply of all forms that may be needed by TSC teams and/or players.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
There are no previous membership requirements for the Website and Media Coordinator. The duties and responsibilities of the Website and Media Coordinator may include the following:
To publicize TSC events, tryouts, program offerings, accomplishments, and items of interest.
To improve and update the TSC website and social media platforms.
To update and keep up the TSC website and social media platforms with news and information for members.
The TSC may engage a Director of Coaching. The duties and responsibilities of a Director of Coaching may, at the discretion of the Board, include the following:
Evaluate, interview, recommend, and assign soccer trainers to specific teams and other assignments.
Evaluate, interview, and recommend coaches, including volunteer coaches, to specific teams and other assignments.
Provide trainer and coach education and evaluation and attend regular meetings with trainers and coaches.
Design a training and player curriculum for all soccer teams and age groups within the Club and monitor the implementation of such curriculum.
Consider and suggest to the Board ideas to generate additional revenue.
Plan a competition calendar suitable for all teams within the Club depending on team levels and needs.
Manage and resolve issues amongst parents, coaches, trainers and/or players.
Plan training schedules and clinics.
Organize, promote, and oversee tryouts and attend tryout sessions.
To carry out such other and further duties as from time to time are assigned by the President.
The TSC will hold regular coaches meetings. At least one representative from each team shall attend. These meetings are open to all TSC members. The order of business shall generally be as follows:
Roll Call
Acceptance of Minutes of Last Meeting
Treasurer Report
Executive Committee Reports
New Business
Special Agenda Items
Any member wishing to address the coaches at a coaches meeting may do so by notifying the Board in writing no less than seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.
Regular Board meetings shall be held and special meetings may be called by the President or by a quorum of the Board.
A minimum of three (3) days’ notice is required for Board meetings and seven (7) days’ notice is required for coaches meetings.
The TSC will hold one (1) Annual General Meeting open to all Club members including players, parents and coaches. This meeting will include a State of the Club report by the President as well as a financial report by the Treasurer.
The Board, members, volunteers, coaches, and agents of the TSC should act in the best interest of the TSC and have an obligation to avoid actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflicts of interest with the TSC. A conflict of interest occurs when, for instance, a Board member, member, volunteer, coach, or agent of the TSC:
* is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a direct or indirect personal or professional gain for that person or a person related to that person by blood or marriage (or similar to that relationship); and/or
* receives compensation of any type from any individual, group, or entity that does business with or has an interest in the policies, decisions, or operations of the TSC that could influence or be perceived to influence that person’s objectivity in any process involving the policies, decisions, or operations or the TSC; and/or
* is influenced by personal priorities that may be inconsistent with the policies, decisions, or operations of the TSC, or by their interest in the policies, decisions, or operations of another entity.
While no list can reflect every type of conflict of interest, each Board member, member, volunteer, coach, or agent of the TSC should avoid the following actions that could constitute an actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest:
* using the person’s association with the TSC for private gain or any kind;
* giving personal agendas priority over the good of the TSC;
* granting by the TSC of unwarranted preferential treatment to any person or entity; or
* misusing the TSC’s information for personal gain.
If a Board member, member, volunteer, coach, or agent of the TSC becomes aware of an actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest, then that person shall:
* fully disclose all facts relating to the actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest;
* excuse himself or herself from any formal or informal discussions relating in any way to the subject matter of the actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest; and
* refrain from voting or influencing the vote relating in any way to the subject matter of the actual, potential, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest.
The purpose of the protest and appeals procedure shall be to hear protests and appeals resulting from the game of soccer among players registered to the TSC and to hear protests and appeals pertaining to the TSC bylaws, actions, rules, regulations and policies as may from time to time be in effect.
Any individual member may present a protest or appeal to the Board. Non-members of the Club have no right to protest or appeal.
The objective of the protest and appeals procedure shall be to provide fair, expedient and just resolution of all protests and appeals. The Board shall hear and pass judgment on all protests and appeals and their decision will be final.
The protest or appeal must be in writing, must describe in detail the grounds for the protest or appeal, and must be presented to the President a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
The Board shall review the protest or appeal and may, in its discretion, schedule a hearing within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the protest or appeal.
SECTION 17.00: AMENDMENTS AND CONFLICTSProposals to adopt, amend or repeal bylaws may be made by any member, in writing, at membership meetings, or by any member of the Board at a Board meeting.
Bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed only by majority vote of the registered teams at a regularly scheduled coaches meeting. Each registered team shall have one (1) vote.
The voting will take place no sooner than the monthly meeting following the meeting in which the proposal was presented.
If there are any actual conflicts between these bylaws and the TSC Certificate of Incorporation, the latter shall govern and these bylaws shall be deemed invalid insofar as they are inconsistent with the certificate of incorporation. To the extent possible, these bylaws and the Certificate of Incorporation shall be interpreted so as to be consistent with each other.
These bylaws are effective as of July 27, 2020 and replace and supersede any and all prior bylaws.
Full By-Laws: